La Tatuana


The legend tells that much many years ago, during the colonial time, there was a beautiful girl named Tatuana, who enjoyed the pleasures of life with different men, whom she asked money for pleasure.

All people were not agreeing, since that was a modest and religious community. Therefore, the girl was blamed for sorcery and to make spells to capture men. She was blamed to be lustful and not to follow the Church precepts. For all these reasons, she was judged by the Inquisition tribunal and condemned to death.

The night before her death, she asked as her last wish a piece of coal, some candles and a white rose. She used these materials to make a spell and called the devil, whom she asked to avoid her 

     Painting of the Tuatana

conviction and to take her soul in exchange. The devil pulled her out of the cell and put her on the boat she had painted on the wall, condemning her to wander on the boat on rainy days.